Barley Cleansing Soup 冬瓜薏仁祛湿汤
Worried about the effects of a hearty holiday feast on your health? Fret not! 冬瓜薏仁祛湿汤 (Dong Gua Yi Ren Qu Shi Tang), Winter melon Barley Cleansing Soup not only helps cleanse and detoxify your digestive system but also relieves dampness and heatiness.
(Recommended weight/unit, can be adjusted according to your tastes/liking!)
Atractylodes Macrocephala
* Sai Hing Barley Cleansing Soup Packet has pre-packaged ingredients that have been carefully crafted for the best medical effects and taste
Things that you can add for a better taste.
Winter Melon with Skin – 350g
Medium Carrot – 1x
Yield: 3 servings
Preparation Time: 30 minutes for soaking the herbs
Cooking Time: 110 minutes
Step 1. Rinse and soak the herbs in a pot with 2 Liters of water for at least 30 minutes. [Tips: You may cut the figs into half before soaking them in the pot].
Step 2. Add 350g of winter melon with skin (Note: Winter melon with skin has a stronger effect on diuresis and swelling) and, 1 medium carrot into the pot, boil and simmer for 110 minutes.
Step 3. Ready to serve!